Boak's 350th and the Need of a 'Dekochication' for Port Adelaide

Far-West Footy is back! At least, for now. Last weekend, it was Boak's 350th AFL game for the club. It was also Hinkley's 250th. In the midst of the celebrations leading to the game, the coach has said that the former captain is responsible for " Port almost still being around ". Let's be honest with ourselves here. It's true. Here I talk why this is so and argue on Koch's responsiblity for it. --- Uruguayana, March 21st, 2024 I agree with Hinkley. I know it has been quite a long time since I have said those words, but I try to be a just man. If I hear something with which I concur, I recognize it regardless of the person who had said it. Hinkley has said, in celebration of Boak's 350th AFL game for the club, that the former captain is responsible for " Port almost still being around ". Let's be honest with ourselves here. It's true. Despite all the effort from the current regime, the essence of our club is not complete...