The AFLW and Port: name, colours, and team song

Earlier this week I have awaken inspired. I couldn't resist making a sketch of a song's lyrics for our future AFLW team. Now, English is not my first language, and I have no musical talent. Hence, I have no idea whether my effort is good, bad, or somewhere in between. I would like your help to improve it. That's why I'm also telling what I had in mind while writing it. Context matters!

Disclaimer: My posts are mostly half-joke, half-serious anyway. So, please, take this one accordingly.


The Inspiration

Port Adelaide's Identity: Gospel, Name, Colours
The Port Adelaide Football Club has a clear identity. This identity is anchored in our constitutional documents – which, by the way, have nothing to do with the actual club constitution. To avoid confusion, let's call those documents as "The Port's Gospel".

So, as I understand it, The Port's Gospel has 4 parts, each comprised by one distinct document:

(a) "The Creed" ["We, the Players and Management of the Port Adelaide Football Club..."];
(b) "Statement" ["Any club worth its salt..."];
(c) "Motto" ["We exist to win premierships..."]; and
(d) "Slogan" ["We are Port Adelaide"].

These documents, they make who we are.

Above, the documents are not listed randomly, but in order of relevance. The Creed is the most important of all. However, the order of presentation should be the reverse. In brief, “We Are Port Adelaide” encapsulates everything.

Only those who need or are interested in a deeper grasp of the Slogan's meaning, should look, first, into the Motto, than the Statement, and finally The Creed. Although everyone who follows the club should at least acknowledge all four.

From this, to what I want to call your attention is that our identity is deeply entrenched into the name "Port Adelaide".

To the name, I would also add the colours black and white. The club has adopted them in the beginning of the XX Century. It was in black and white that the club has become the most dominant football club in South Australia and the most accomplished football club in the country. Those colours remain at the core of the club, even after joining the AFL.


So far does it make sense? If it is ok, then let's move on.


Beyond Black-and-White: Monicker, Colours, Song

The “Port Adelaide” name and the colours black and white should be common to everything we do. With that settled, everything else can change. After all, our identity is preserved.

That's why our AFL team can be known as "Power" and have teal and silver also as its colours; while our SANFL team remains the "Magpies." That's why our AFL team and our SANFL team can have distinct team songs. That's why despite those differences they are all parts of "One Club," the Port Adelaide Football Club. Those distinctions cannot affect our identity, because its core is preserved; it's common to both.

This is why I believe that our AFLW team should be "Port Adelaide" and black and white, but also having its own monicker, own colours, and own team song.


Again, is my point clear?
Is it possible to understand from where I'm coming and to where I'm heading? If so, segue.


History: Change and Continuity

The Creed teaches us that Port has a history, and that its history matters. The history tells us that "we are Port Adelaide."

Even though the AFLW side is a new venture, we "accept the heritage which players and administrators have passed down to us." In the same way that our AFL side is connected to the club's past as a symbol that we "shall strive with all our POWER to further this club's unexcelled achievement," the AFLW team, if it is to have a nickname of its own, it needs to have a link to our history.

Why not then call it the Port Adelaide Magentas and make it have magenta and blue as its secondary colours (black and white being the primary ones, of course)?

not only is a Port team's past monicker, but it also has the advantage of sharing the same starting syllable with the Magpies. This would allow, for instance, the girls to be known as the "Maggies" – if that is something our supporters wish to do. Both nickname and colours would reinforce the link between our AFLW side and the club's history.


Planet Teal: AFL-only

The girls playing in magenta and blue has another advantage. This would also take pressure away from teal.

Along with silver, teal would become solely our AFL colour. Some people ask: "why don't you move towards teal?" This question, then, it would be easily answered.

We don't move towards teal, because our teams have many other colours. That which they have in common, the common features between our AFL, SANFL, and AFLW sides, would be the name "Port Adelaide" and the colours black and white. It makes no sense whatsoever moving towards colours that our teams do not share.


The Port AFLW Team Song
With new monicker and new colours, it would be natural for our AFLW team to also have its own song. Without further ado, here it goes:

We know why we exist
It is useless to resist
In no way we’ll desist

Not enough is falling short
Football's more than a sport
It is passion. It is Port!

One will never see us beg
'Cause resilience makes a Mag
Always fighting for the flag

Not enough is falling short
Football's more than a sport

It is passion. It is Port!


What do you you think? What is your take on it? Again, feel free to contribute. There may be mistakes. My American English may have rhymed words that don't rhyme in Australia. I don't know. I wish you could help me improving it. Even if the lyrics are fine, it lacks a tune.

Well, at the very least, I hope you all enjoyed my attempt.


P.S.: You may well have already noticed it, but the last line of the chorus is not mine. I took it from Ruppert McCall's poem It is Port.


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