A Members' Council for Port [Off-season Debate]

Off-season means "GremioPower without restraint;" so there will be many ideas popping up on the most diverse issues. This time, my weekly "two cents" is a letter to my readers presenting the "Members'Council" and reasons why I believe Port should have one.


Uruguayana, September 1st, 2018

Dear Far-West Footy readers,

I hope this message finds you well.

I was reading some offseason discussions on Port and started wondering whether there wouldn't be missing a space at the club for the members to engage more actively and constantly with the Administration. Let me explain what I mean by this.

Brazilian soccer clubs have, between the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, a Members' Council. The councilors are elected by the General Assembly. The responsibilities of such an institution vary from club to club, but overall the Council serves as a resonance chamber for the opinions of the members.

If I have understood it correctly, Port doesn't have a Members' Council. If that is the case, I know implementing one would require an amendment to its current constitution. However, I think it would be good having one.

Imagine the G.A. (aprox. 60,000 people) electing 300 people – 100, every year for a three-year period.[1] Then, this 300 people would meet periodically to discuss the Club. They could divide themselves into committees: football; community; fiscal; China; social; amateur sports; etc. Those would be only some possibilities that came on top of my head. It doesn't need to be those or only those.

The Members' Council could even be devoid of power to effectively act upon those areas. It doesn't matter much. If properly developed, it could gain authority over those with power.

There could be a "Prime Minister's Questions" with the CEO at the Council, and the committees could be able to call up those responsible for the areas they cover. The Council could approve reports on issues, with suggestions on how to address them. The possibilities are endless.

I believe such a Council could help increase the members' participation in the Club; could become a place in where members' voices would be heard; could work as compass for the Administration; and could allow competent people to contribute actively to the Club.

If there is interest, I am open to keep discussing this idea. I could help with a project to be presented for the Club. The idea can also be stolen; no problem. There is no copyright attached to it. 


[1] That's the size of Grêmio's Members' Council.


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