The Curious Case of Hinklemyn Butken (Port 88 - 72 North)
"The more things change the more they stay the same." It doesn't matter the way you look at it, the cycle of life keeps repeating itself at Alberton. ---- Ken Hinkley has said that our victory against North was a “ significant performance .” According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the main sense for significant is “having meaning.” Among the synonyms for significant are “meaningful” and “revealing.” Then, considering Kenny’s own statement, what could our performance have meant or, even better, have revealed? In many ways, our game against North last Friday was a bastard sibling of our win over the Eagles. In both games, we have started dominant from start up to the beginning of Q3; they reacted; we stopped them; they came harder again up to the end, but the victory margin only went down because we couldn’t kick goals. The main difference is that we were worse this week than the previous one – and that is why we are all feeling bad after a win. However, ...